Hey there.

Welcome to the warm and fuzzy page. ​

It really makes my day when people share how the walks have impacted their lives. In ways big and small.

(Seriously... it keeps our hosts fired up and ready to host with amazing energy every Saturday morning!)

So, if you have a walk story... I'd be very grateful if you shared.

Write as much as you'd like. Heck, use this as a walk-themed journal entry!

Some questions to spark reflection:

  • What was the most impactful conversation or moment you've had on the walks? Why?
  • What makes the walks special? Why do you enjoy them? What keeps you coming back?
  • Have you grown as a person or learned something new about yourself due to the walks? If so, can you share more?
  • Do any aspects of your life look different because of the walks? In friendship, business, romance, or overall feeling of connection?
  • What stands out as your favourite walk memories?

Thanks for being part of the walk's magic,

Murphy Alex


Coming Soon!